Jun 25Liked by toni bravo

Feels like I’m constantly running into time as much as I’m running out of it…deeply felt. Being 24 is a crazy time whole lot transitions, letting go but I’m learning to take it in stride 🫶🏾

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Jun 27Liked by toni bravo

I'm 29 and feel this!!! The closer you get to 30 the more it feels like time is running out but the reality is you, hopefully, have so much of it. Time is relative anyway. Things are really just getting started. This was really sweet. It truly is such a delicate decade for so many reasons.

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Jun 25Liked by toni bravo

god bless these twenty somethings 🦋

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Jun 25Liked by toni bravo

feeling delicate in your twenties is so true and i think it’s because we know what we do now will show up in our thirties. but you’re doing so well angel <33

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thank you :’) <3

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Jun 28Liked by toni bravo

You are such a talented writer! 🩷

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omg thank you🥹

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Jun 27Liked by toni bravo

In my 30s now and can assure you that time isn't running out, but it is very precious!

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Jun 25Liked by toni bravo

Love this 💕 My last year in my twenties and I don’t document it enough. You inspire me to start and I’m hoping as a creative it works in my favor!

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Jun 25Liked by toni bravo

ahhhh so happy you're on here now

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Jun 25Liked by toni bravo

toni this is such a beautiful way to put everything!

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Jun 25Liked by toni bravo

oh to be in your twenties!! such a surreal experience when you’re living through it! ✨

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Jun 25Liked by toni bravo

what a beautiful first post 💛✨

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Jun 25Liked by toni bravo

soooo beautifully put. <3

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Jun 25Liked by toni bravo

eeeee, toni!! so glad to have u here in the substack universe <3

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Your piece had such an elegant and precious tone. It capture the sentiment you were discussing wonderfully. I'm much older than 24 now but when I was 25, my life changed. Check out the story on Beef - Volume I on my substack! I think you may enjoy it.

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“Feels like I’m constantly running into time as much as I’m running out of it” is so perfect. Something I’m also grateful for is the ability to have documented so much of my teen years online in a relatively low stakes space—not for money/fame/brand partnerships but the same just to know and feel and I hope we can all keep that feeling forever.

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